“Do unto others what you want others do unto you.” This is what my mother keeps reminding everyone in the family. Since my childhood up to the present, I have become tired of hearing it said repeatedly. No one can argue with me if I claim this is not applicable in my life. I have not proven this yet and I do not know if one could prove this to me. Doing a thing so that others will do the same to you is not a feasible thing to me. I’ve heard many who said they’ve been betrayed by the ones they loved. You do everything to a person well and you will find out he is not capable of doing the same and will even hurt you. And it’s very sad that you will be the last person to know about his betrayal. Showing the person that you love him much would just give the person the impression that you can’t afford to lose him. In the end, you will just be shedding lots of tears because you find out that the love you have invested is not reciprocated.


It's frustrating but we have to move on. It's one of life's facts that sucks and starts with F.

October 29, 2007 at 6:14 PM  

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